MUN Impact

Speaking at the UN International Day of Peace

By Abdullah Shamsi

On Thursday, September 17th I had the privilege of speaking at the United Nations International Day of Peace. I was chosen as one of eight youth to speak at this event. When I had initially received an email from the UN asking if I was willing to participate, I was immediately filled with a sense of pride and joy. I have been involved in MUN both locally and internationally for over six years, and so to finally be able to speak at the highest level there is in the field where it is no longer a model and the actual United Nations felt like a huge accomplishment. 

Although I was given the freedom to discuss peace in the context I deemed fit, I chose to focus on stability in the Middle East specifically. This is because it is the region I am from and live in and therefore have the most experience and knowledge to talk about. I also wanted to highlight ares of unfathomable suffering, identify young entrepreneurs in the region making a difference, and provide genuine hope for a better future. Earlier in the event, Dr. Jane Goodall mentioned that we must think locally, and realize there are many people around the world fighting for the same thing. Then, when like-minded people come together, global change is made. That truly resonated with me and in a sense encapsulated my intended message superbly.

It was definitely an honor as well to be amongst the likes of Dr. Jane Goddall as mentioned, Mr. Yo-Yo Ma, and of course Secretary-General Mr. Antonio Guterres. This is the type of experience that shapes you as a person and one that I will certainly cherish. Being a young driven individual listening to the other speakers about the importance of peace, it is now clearer than ever that we must all stand together and take action to ensure a more prosperous future for not only ourselves but coming generations.