MUN Impact


There are numerous resources to help inform about the Sustainable Development Goals. For the average MUN delegate, it is also important to find higher level resources that delve into some of the complexity many MUN debate topics demand. Please see our drop down menu for additional resources.

List of SDG Targets: All in one handy pdf!

Searching United Nations Databases

SHERLOC: Search by country to find resources, case laws and legislation related to all UNODC Mandates. This is a rich resource that supports further study of UNODC mandate areas, particularly SDG 16.

For an example of how to use SHERLOC for MUN research, click here.

Data-Driven Resources

SDG Tracker: This incredible resource breaks down each SDG, dives into the indicators by target, and provides an incredible wealth of data to inform on the Sustainable Development Goal in question. The objective of the site is to TRACK PROGRESS, so if you are researching an issue and want both up to date data and an understanding on how close the goal is to being met (and some context on why it isn’t), this will be a resource you will come back to again and again. We’ve devoted a page to how this works here.

United Nations Programs 

Various United Nation’s agencies are working to promote the Global Goals. Many of these resources work well for MUN students because they are rich primary resources and often up to date and data driven, making them the kind of resources that serious delegates like to make reference to in their resolutions. We’ve tried to find some of the best resources and organize them in a way that makes sense to MUN delegates or conference organizers searing for information. If you come across resources that aren’t on our website, please contact us and we will add them to our Resource Library.

Here are a few that links that will be of interest to MUNers.

Education for Justice: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Worlds Largest Lesson: In partnership with UNICEF

Blue Heart Campaign: UNODC/ Anti-Trafficking Campaign

NGOs and Non-Profits

United Nations Foundation