MUN Impact

Taking Inspiration from St Louis Changemaker

Yara Changyit-Levin is not going to sit at home and wait things out as the world around us “collapses”.  As a 16 year-old Sophomore student at John Burroughs School in St. Louis, Missouri, Yara knows the power of student activism and using your voice to advocate for change.  She is a frequent delegate at her local MUN conference, SLAMUN, recently recognized as the Best Delegate for their winter session.

For years Yara has called politicians on a local and national level to engage them in conversations about topics that matter most to her. From healthcare issues to the rights of women, Yara has done her research and comes to the debate well informed and not afraid to speak her mind.  Yara knows that while she is but one voice, there is power in the voices of many, so Yara is looking to engage more youth on a local, national and even global scale to empower the next generation of leaders and changemakers.

If you have gotten this far in reading this post, no doubt you are not content sitting at home away from your physical classroom.  At MUN Impact we want to connect you with Yara and her webinar that occurs on March 23.  Yara will help us all speak out for strong global health policies! Join her & Dr Madhukar Pai, Director of Global Health McGill University, to learn to take action on epidemics & other social issues. She’s a seasoned activist at age 16 doing her first webinar.