MUN Impact

The Unlikely Coincidence of a Global Pandemic

Now-university-student Francesca Poupel attended her first THIMUN conference in 2017. The topic: measures to reduce pandemics in a globalized world. With the current COVID-19 crisis, her experience seems more relevant than ever. In this post, she reflects on her resolutions, experiences, and lessons from Model UN, all in retrospect to our current pandemic.

Unity, Dialogue, and Enrichment: MUN@Home Sessions with MUN Impact Nigeria

Participants came together to learn from the MUN Impact Nigeria students about their personal experiences with the Global Goals. What was meant to be an “SDG Briefing,” turned out to be a global dialogue. MUN@Home undoubtedly made one of the most disastrous periods of time uplifting, enriching and hopeful.

A Trip to the Beach in Qatar

Qatar is one of the most developed nations in the Middle Eastern region and classified by the UN as having a rate of high human development. Yet this drastic development has its costs. Underneath its enviable, beautiful exterior, the nation faces pressing environmental issues. To help, students from Middle East International School decided to volunteer at a beach cleanup on December 9, 2019.

Together in time of crisis: MUN@Home

This is indeed a testing time for all of us. While some of us are separated from our families as International University students (including myself!), others in High School and Middle School are locked in their homes, all for their own safety as well as that of others. COVID-19 has indeed brought a dynamically uncertainContinue reading “Together in time of crisis: MUN@Home”

Human Maze on SDG 11

The MUN Impact Zone at this year’s CHEMUN XIII was constructed around SDG 11, sustainable cities and communities, as it linked closely to the theme of our conference: Ethics and Advancement. To represent the difficulty that arises from creating sustainable cities and communities, we designed a human-sized sustainability maze, which required delegates to make choicesContinue reading “Human Maze on SDG 11”

Africa Connecting: Give us strength

By Andrew Newman Today I was given the Zulu name Mandla by Ditzwali (D.T) my guide through the South African township of Soweto. It is a translation of Andrew, greek for strong, brave and courageous. But D.T. had another reason for giving me that name that truly moved me. But let’s start with why IContinue reading “Africa Connecting: Give us strength”

A Path to Accessibility: The Story of Raise Your Placard

By Jack Tapay, Director of Curriculums at Raise Your Placard When Model U.N. delegates leave the confines of their committee rooms, the gravity of the issues they have debated and the importance of the skills they have developed often gets lost on them. Beyond the slip of paper or gavel one may receive at closingContinue reading “A Path to Accessibility: The Story of Raise Your Placard”

Where’s Newmo? A Director’s Quest for MUN Impact

  This year we will be treated to a special, recurring series on our community blog: “Where’s Newmo?” Many of you know John Burroughs MUN Director Andrew Newman, the most prolific taker of selfies in the MUN community. He is also a veteran MUN Press Team Director, MUN aficionado, and one of the founding membersContinue reading “Where’s Newmo? A Director’s Quest for MUN Impact”