MUN Impact

Human Maze on SDG 11

The MUN Impact Zone at this year’s CHEMUN XIII was constructed around SDG 11, sustainable cities and communities, as it linked closely to the theme of our conference: Ethics and Advancement. To represent the difficulty that arises from creating sustainable cities and communities, we designed a human-sized sustainability maze, which required delegates to make choicesContinue reading “Human Maze on SDG 11”

CHEMUN rocks their SDG Outreach

CHEMUN is a THIMUN-affiliated conference run each year in Chennai, India. They have embraced the SDGs and MUN Impact with gusto! They share some great observations about MUN Impact, the SDGs, and adding more action and activism to their annual conference. Why did your MUN club choose this particular SDG to focus on? Was itContinue reading “CHEMUN rocks their SDG Outreach”