By Kopano Maketekete

After a day of thoughts and discussion on the Sustainable Development Goals, would you not find it appealing to socialize with friends? Well the Social Hour it is! The definition is as explicit as the naming, social hour. It is one of the most anticipated moments during the summit, precisely towards the end of each day. Here people share some get-together time and get to know about each other outside what brought them together, hence advancing and promoting friendship. It was first introduced in the very first MUN Impact Global Summit. The goal was to collaborate outside the summit’s content, creating a bond of friendship among the participants. Through the social hour, participants enjoy the last of the summit where they can discuss anything. So it is inherently about baring your soul and unwinding with the MUN Impact family, permitting the bond to blossom.
The Social Hour is way more than just having fun but is also about sharing a common mentality of being a family from different regions, brought together with an overall goal of solving the world’s most pressing issues. From its very first conception, it is now featured in other MUN Impact programs for the benefit it proved to serve – bonding the family and facilitating the easy flow of discussions on set agendas. Therefore, it goes without saying that the three-day upcoming Global Summit 2.0 starting the 23rd of October will also hold a social hour.
Zoey Fisher and Leila Ali Diab, our Secretary-General and Deputy Secretary-General respectively, are the pioneers of this brilliant idea, which they facilitate tremendously well. It is amazing to watch Zoey dancing on camera after a lengthy discussion following the issues put for solutions. That is the moment you know that now you fully understand the MUN Impact family. Why not try to solve the world’s most intricate issues and concerns while having fun at the same time?
In her exact words, Zoey declared: “It was definitely bittersweet, but I think it represented what a success the event was. I remember that we sat there for thirty minutes because no one wanted to close the event. It was heartwarming to know that everyone had a good time and that the first Global Summit would be a success”.
The Social Hours are quite an experience and one that I would never want to miss out on. The events give you the opportunity to virtually sit together with student delegates, ranging from any age, from all around the globe with the like-mindedness of finding solutions to global issues and advocacy of SDGs. Don’t miss out and preregister for the MUN Impact Global Summit 2.0 here!
I will see you there!