MUN Impact

SDG 3 and 4 Supported by SOCOMUN Leaders

On September 28th, 2019, Santa Margarita students gather to host their annual South Orange Country Model UN Conference (SOCOMUN). SOCOMUN is meant to provide an educational and enjoyable experience with a special focus on the Sustainable Development Goals in novice committees. Students engage in debate to discuss world issues, but the student leadership team felt that it was important to initiate change. Members of the SOCOMUN board decided to focus on SDGs #3 and #4 in their community. Santa Margarita students reached out to a local community in need to volunteer to help enhance children’s education.

Students hosted an event to promote physical activity and healthy living by utilizing Soccer for Success activities in partnership with a local organization called Think Together, aimed towards improving children’s education. Soccer for Success is a partnership between The National Soccer Foundation and Think Together. Think Together provided the resources and progressive lesson plans to teach elementary students fundamentals and skills to be able to play soccer properly. Santa Margarita students worked as coaches and helped run short interval activities that focused on a few soccer drills. Lessons on healthy eating and nutrition were also a fundamental goal of the activity. The children learned about the food groups and nutrition.

The event was a success. The children ran around and enthusiastically participated in the lesson. After going through two soccer drills and learning about nutrition, the volunteers and children played a group game of soccer. Overall, it was a heartwarming experience than not only gave back to the community but also gave the children knowledge that will last a lifetime.