MUN Impact

Sagesse High School Discuss SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities

Students at Sagesse High School, one of our partner schools, designed a presentation on SDG 10. They engaged over 60 students in fruitful, insightful and important dialogue. In the following article, members and organizers describe their thoughts about the event.
Our team at SHSMUN has joined MUN Impact for the MENA region. As part of MUN Impact’s activities, SHSMUNers prepared a workshop about one of the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Our team picked SDG #10, which focused on Reduced Inequalities. This SDG consists of working to reduce economic, racial, and social inequalities, among others. On Saturday, January 9th, our senior students George Andrea, Joseph Choefati, and John Bou Harb gave the workshop on this topic.

Around 60 students from different grade levels attended. The workshop also included a video of several of our students giving speeches about different types of inequality, which was prepared by Johnny Saad.

The workshop ended with a Q&A session where the attendees asked the presenters different questions regarding SDG #10. The students raised interesting points and highlighted key issues in their questions, which sparked meaningful discussions about gender inequality, economic inequality, and even educational inequality and its relevance to the current pandemic. 

The workshop was indeed fruitful and beneficial to everyone involved, and we aim to organize more virtual events like this!

-By V.E.

Some Reflections:

Today we talked about the SDG 10.
The presenters were approachable and inviting as they opened debate while explaining, and used many different students opinions in order to make the presentation interesting. 

The videos in my opinion would have been better if a discussion was replaced live with students (which is unfortunately not possible due to the pandemic). The presentation tackled important and negotiable ideas and points that created a debate in the Q&A at the end. I would have preferred if the Q&A session was longer as it was the best part of the entire session. All in all it was a nice presentation especially at the end.                                             

The workshop was very informative and very interesting. We should definitely do more workshops like this in the future and make them longer to let the delegates engage more and give their opinions. It doesn’t have to be about the SDG it can be about many controversial topics which will really make it fun for everyone.


The workshop was done in a very creative manner in terms of how the participants were involved, such as the Q&A session, the videos etc. This was crucial in order to increase the interaction and attention of the audience .


Today’s workshop tackled many problems we face today, despite all the progress that has been made over the years. The senior MUNers made sure to go into details and responded quite impressively when the Q and A part came around.  In addition to the above, they had a clear picture for the new comers, giving them a clear image of what topics are really debated and talked about in the real world.  Lastly, it was clear that they put effort into the animation part where they made a video of students speaking about the topic. Grabbing the attention of all delegates in such a clever, but easy way.