MUN Impact

MUN Impact Zone debuts at TQ 2018

By Sandev Ferdinando, Secretary General THIMUN Qatar 2018




The 7th Annual THIMUN Qatar conference brought with it a new focus on what MUN should be. Through MUN Impact, we are now looking to make use of students’ increased awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals, international diplomacy, and determination to enact change. The first ever ‘MUN Impact Zone’ was held to bring individuals and organisations closer to the students who are constantly looking for the tools with which they can begin to make a difference in their community.

The organisations and individuals at this Zone operated stalls that provided information on how they’ve used their knowledge in MUN and taken that outside of the tradition context of MUN and their journey to where they are today. I would like to thank the following organisations for their participation in the MUN Impact Zone


Conference attendees were able to donate to the EAA, a foundation that ardently protects the “right of children and youth to quality education”. At the HELA station, the iconic HELA lapel pins were on offer, as well as photos which illustrated the long journey that led to the establishment of the organisation. From its humble beginnings as an online club in 2014, to a large scale operation spanning every region of Afghanistan, with monthly MUN conferences held in a university premises and graduating students from a women empowerment course, HELA inspired everyone that came to the MUN Impact Zone.

The SCP stall exuded Palestinian culture: from snacks, to handmade goods and traditional tapestry, the sense of pride and national identity was evident. Delegates were able to know more about the organisations activities by leaflets that were distributed and supported this cause by wearing the merchandise on offer. At OMUN, the process of how to debate online was explained and the power that such technology has in MUN. The OMUN platform was what started HELA in 2014 and I am confident that this organisation will continue to be at the forefront of this ‘MUN movement’ where the social responsibility and outreach aspects of MUN are becoming more prominent.

Do you know of an individual or organisation that would be a good fit for future MUN Impact Zones? If so please get in touch with us, we’d love to feature them at THIMUN Qatar!