MUN Impact


UNICEF is mandated by the United Nations General Assembly to advocate for the protection of children’s rights, to help meet their basic needs, and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential. MUN programs usually include in their programs debate issues related to UNICEF’s core mandate. We’ve shared resources here to help link you to campaigns and to show you ways to support UNICEF initiatives through your MUN activity.

To see where the SDGs and UNICEF’s work align, see UNICEF’s SDG page, with breakdowns by SDG.

There are 44 child-related indicators that run through the 17 SDGs. Indicators are driven by data, and they are a rich source of research material, as well as to help you understand how the UN is tracking and measuring progress.


What do we do?

UNICEF works in 190 countries and territories to save children’s lives, to defend their rights, and to help them fulfil their potential, from early childhood through adolescence. And we never give up.

To help achieve the Sustainable Development Goal’s UNICEF’s strategic plan focuses on the following five areas:


Learn more about what we do

Where do we work?

Explore our work around the world:

How can you help?

Advocate for the SDGs

UNICEF’s work advances the SDGs for children’s rights and believes that children’s rights will advance the SDGs. Children and young people should be aware of the goals so that they are inspired to take action and empowered to hold their communities and decision makers to account. The SDGs recognize children and youth as “agents of change.”


Become a U-Reporter

U-Report is a messaging platform, built on RapidPro, with over 5 million U-Reporters across 42 countries in 5 continents. It enables multilingual interactions between young people, their community, their government, and civil society organizations.

Find out if U-Report is in your country and sign up today!

Become a Voices of Youth Blogger

Voices of Youth (VOY) is UNICEF’s global online community for young people where they can come together to express their views on issues that matter to them; to exchange ideas with other young people, and to gain skills in digital expression.

Stay connected and take a stand

Children all over the world are in need. Help spread the word about what UNICEF does and how people can connect with what we do for children.

Follow UNICEF on facebook, twitter and Instagram.

Sign our petition for child rights

Children have their rights denied every single day. Sign the petition to build a world where every child is learning, safe from harm and able to fulfill their potential.

Become a donor or organize a fundraising campaign

Learn about a UNICEF campaign and host a fundraising activity in your school or community.

Donations can be sent here


UNICEF Clubs are officially a UNICEF USA initiative. If you are based in the USA, you can officially create a UNICEF chapter at your school or make it an extension of your MUN club or conference initiative. There are a number of resources available on UNICEF USA’s year-long calendar

If you live outside the USA you could create an unofficial club using UNICEF materials and raising funds or taking action on related issues. UNICEF USA cannot accept donations from outside the USA, but UNICEF global can. If you would like to be involved in fundraising you can donate here.

For the Partner with UNICEF Clubs flyer, click here. The full  UNICEF Starter Club Toolkit can be found here.


Water Walk: Support SDG 6 by hosting a Water Walk at your school. Instructions on how to host this event can be found here.

Human Trafficking: Host an awareness raising event by screening Not My Life (a video that puts a human face on the issue of human trafficking).  Use UNICEF USA’s End Trafficking Events Toolkit  to access ideas to engage your community and raise awareness on this issue.