MUN Impact

Global Week of Action SDG 3

Global Week of Action for SDG 3

Good Health and Well Being

March 5-13, 2022

Hey there! The SDGs are the planet’s most urgent to-do list. Ensuring that all people have equal opportunities and enjoy comparable protections and rights is the focus of this month’s SDG spotlight: SDG 3!    The time for action is NOW!



Please join us for our Global Week of Action (GWoA) for Sustainable Development Goal/SDG 3 (Good health and Well Being) from march 5-13, 2022. It’ll be a fun and informative week filled with workshops from expert presenters, forum discussions, and an action campaign for promoting equality and opportunity for all.



Participation is FREE!  Register TODAY!! Digital certificates will be awarded at the end of the event for participating attendees.


This event is open to secondary and high school students!

Event Schedule

100K Deeds Challenge

In collaboration with 100k Deeds, another MUN Impact program, we are encouraging EVERYONE to act for SDG 3 by performing small acts from our 100 Deeds Campaign.  Once you’ve completed 1, 2, or even 50 deeds, just submit them through the links below!