Have you ever had a great idea that you want to share but just do not know how?
We proudly present the newest strand to our Global Summit 2.0, the Dolphin Pool. A strand where you can get coached on becoming a professional pitcher and with your team, make a case for your innovative SDG project.
In addition, we have an SDG Sandbox that’ll help you to develop a plan and if you wish, you can pitch your plan in our Dolphin Pool that will run on Sunday 25th, getting feedback and encouragement from industry leaders and UN officials.
If you don’t have a lot of experience, do not worry, the point here is to learn from one another; remember that in the MUN Impact community, we support each other.
Many people are not aware of the meaning behind this strand, so I’ll start explaining. This strand is our version of “shark tank”, with the difference that it got named after dolphins, as you can notice, but why, you might wonder? Well, dolphins teach us how we can collaborate successfully. For example, in a study by New Scientist, Bottlenose Dolphins’ ability was tested to open a canister of food; the report showed that the dolphins not only communicated amazingly but also collaborated.
Here are some of the lessons dolphins gave to us:
- Communication: Working together, it’s all about communication. As Annemarie Walkling said in What dolphins can teach us about collaboration (It’s not as fishy as it sounds). “Without clear communication, collaboration is just reduced to several people working on different aspects, or perhaps even unknowingly the same aspects, of a project without a holistic understanding.”
- Focused communication: While some members of your team may prefer Zoom calls, perhaps others prefer text or audio messages, so try to find ways in which everyone’s comfortable .
- Teamwork: scientists found that Bottlenose Dolphins were most successful at opening the canister when they worked together, so working in a team can facilitate the process of pitching and brainstorming.
- Everyone can help: Dolphins often collaborate with other species or even with humans to achieve a goal, and so we will. In the last summit, people from over 81 countries joined us and allowed us to learn about their different cultures and taught us lessons that we will never forget.
As we have seen, our naming has a meaning behind it and we want to teach everyone that we can work together and be as one when it comes to making an impact. All of us can develop a project, but sometimes it’s hard to take the challenge and work together; that’s why we launched this strand: to learn how to improve our teamwork skills and to make our projects a reality, to inspire, to make an impact, to practice our trust, speaking, and collaboration skills.
We would be delighted to have the opportunity to be a part of your projects and help out in whatever way we can. We know that every single one of you has the power to make a better world and with your help and interest in joining our strands, we will achieve the SDGs.
You can find more information at https://munimpact.org/globalsummit2-0/, stay tuned for registrations!
By Alehna Romero (Global Summit 2.0 Head of Press)