MUN Impact’s role in the MUN and SDG Communities
Our Vision
- We are creating a world where all students have the knowledge and skills needed to promote and support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, in alignment with SDG 4.7.
- We are creating this world by supporting the development of Model United Nations worldwide. We are helping MUN programs get aligned with the SDGs and connect them with the United Nations and its activities.
What We Do
- Highlight innovative MUN programs and delegates working to advance the SDGs and celebrate their initiatives.
- Engage in dialogue, projects and partnerships that advance action and service of the SDGs through MUN
- Develop guidelines for best practices within the MUN community that focus on SDG awareness and how to take action on them
- Seek entry points to the United Nations for students to work actively to support those mandates
- Curate, share and promote SDG-focused resources that benefit the MUN community.
- Work creatively with MUN organizations and motivated students to advance the SDGs
- Develop a common agenda between schools, MUN organizations, NGOs, and the United Nations to promote the SDGs to students and teachers worldwide
- Measure the MUN community’s impact on promoting the SDGs
- Seek partnerships with Model United Nations organizations, UN agencies and NGOS working to advance global citizenship through MUN and SDG education + action.
- Partner with MUN conferences to provide guidance and support for embedding SDG awareness and action into MUN conferences.
- Collaborate with MUN organizations, UN agencies and NGOS to host SDG-focused MUN conferences, leadership events and workshops.

For information on how to become an MUN Club or Conference partner, or for more information, contact us!